The TEMPORARY Home at 62 Lafayette Rd in North Hampton, NH Tel. (603) 929-7467


All materials contained in this blog are protected by copyright laws, and may not be reproduced, republished, distributed, transmitted, displayed, broadcast
or otherwise exploited in any manner without the express prior written permission of the owner, the author, authors or sources of said materials.


SURFING WITH SMILES August 11-2022 from SURF FREE OR DIE on Vimeo.

at 12th Street on NORTH BEACH from 5:00PM to 7:00PM
For the First SWS of the 2023 Summer!
The last SURFING WITH SMILES of the summer of 2022. It was a great turnout.
Thank you to all the volunteers and all the many participants/surfers.
Judging by all the smiles and laughter, I'd say everyone had fun.
Enjoy this memory from august 11th, 2022.
The music in this video is by Jesse Joseph and you can hear
and purchase his music on his website

June 18th, 2023 The RUN is 0 out of 0 Weeks.
Waist high or better at least once a week.

There were no waist high waves this week. Back to zero.

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to:
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.



Here's an excerpt from my book. "DON'T EVER BUY A F***ING MONKEY" The True Stories of Ralph G. Fatello

I suppose of all the things that my dad turned me onto, the most significant, or at least the most significant to this Blog is…he turned me onto Surfing. Think about that for a minute or two. My father was the one who turned me onto surfing. I can remember the day like it was yesterday.

A hot summer day in 1963. My brother  Johnny and I were in the back yard playing on the dirt hill that my dad had for loam. We were practicing to be stunt men. Seriously, that was our plan for when we got older. We wanted to be stuntmen in Hollywood. How funny is that? Anyway, long story short, my dad was in the den watching TV when I heard him call my name through the screened window.

“Ralphie! Hey Ralphie!  Come and take a look at this.” 

“What is it dad? We’re practicing getting blown up!” I yelled back. “Get in here and look at this.” He yelled back. I ran off the hill and brushed off my dungarees and ran into the house. I ran through the kitchen where my mother was always cooking. “Your father wants you.” She said as I ran past her and down the hallway. “I know Ma!”  I yelled back.

I got to our small den and there was my dad watching our B&W TV. “Look at this!” he said pointing to the TV. I turned and looked, and for the very first time in my life, I saw people surfing. “What are they doing?” I asked. “They’re surfing!” he said. “Surfing? Where is this?” I asked “Probably Hawaii or California.” He said. I was mesmerized at what I was seeing. I sat down on the hassock and stared at the TV. At that point Johnny came in. “Are we done practicing?” he asked.  “Johnny look at this. These guys are surfing.”  And I should have known right then and there, that Johnny would never be a surfer. Because he shrugged his shoulders and ran off.

Not me. I was hooked on the visual of watching people surf. “Dad can we go to Hawaii or California?” He looked at me and started laughing. “We’re not going to Hawaii or California.” He said laughing at me. But I was serious. “Come on dad. Let’s move there.” And then he did, what he always did, when I’d say, or do something silly. He yelled to my mother. “Eva are you hearing this? Ralphie wants to move to Hawaii of California.” My mother came into the den “Get out of here with this Hawaii or California. Never mind this silly talk supper is ready.”  And she turned and walked back into the kitchen.

But the seed was planted. I had seen the future and I wanted a piece of it.

I wouldn’t let up. All the rest of that summer I kept talking about it. My parents were not happy with me. I drove them crazy. I was relentless. I wanted to go Surfing. And if surfing was in California or Hawaii? Then that’s where I wanted to go. But I knew I was pushing their buttons. And then one day we were walking along the beach in Nahant, and there must have been a Tropical Storm off the coast because there were waves. I would call them chest high and glassy.

My dad stopped me and said “Look at those waves right there. If you had a surfboard you could surf on those waves right there!”

I looked at the waves and then back up at him. “You’re right dad! Let’s get a surfboard!” And just like that the pestering stopped. Now we needed to get me a surfboard. That was my new mission.

As you all know, that mission was successful. You'll have to wait until the book comes out this Fall/Holiday season to know the rest of the story.

Although I first saw surfing in 1963, I didn't really start surfing until the summer of 1964. And I'm afraid to say that there are no photos of me and my very first surfboard in 1964. But there is this. Taken in 1965 this was my first REAL Surfboard. My 8' 3" Red Keoki. This was one of my favorite boards of all time. Unfortunately, I only had this board for one year. I ended up selling it the next year in 1966, and bought a piece of junk. A 9' 6" Royal Hawaiian with zero rocker. I hated that board. Ironically, I still have it. It's in my garden. I use it to walk on between my tomato plants and my zucchini.

Truth be told, I have gotten more use out of it in my garden, than I ever did out while I was out trying to surf with it.

You have all heard me say over the years "SELFIE BY RALPHIE" But I have always been quick to point out that my dad was the first to do Selfies. And he's been doing them since the 1940's. Gus Fatello is the original.

This was shot with an old movie camera. I have the footage and grabbed a 8mm frame grab to produce this image.

My father passed away at age 75 but he looked much older. Diabetes took him and it was a wake up call to so many of us in our family. I am just 3 years short of turning 75 and I plan on being here for a while.

Ed O'Connell was one of the most loved surf photographers in New England. A US ARMY Vietnam Veteran who saved the lives of so many ARMY Grunts in Nam in 68-69 as a Medic on board those Dust Off Hueys. He was a dear friend of mine.

When he passed on July 1st, 2014 I swore I'd keep his memory and legacy alive by giving him this weekly corner. He loved surfing and he loved taking photos of all the surfers. Not just those who could really stand out. He shot every one. As long as I shall live and breathe the salt air, there will be a corner dedicated to Ed.

ED'S CORNER June 18th, 2023

This pic was shot in June of 2008 on a fun clean day. I was out surfing with my nephew. In fact, he was using my Retro fish. He ended up loving that board so I gave it to him. I think he still has it. Photo by Ed O'Connell
*Click the photo above to see a larger version of Ed's Pic.

GUEST EDITORIAL by Sofia Donatelli daughter of Local Surfer Gilly Donatelli.

This is Sofia Donatelli with my This I Believe Essay.
I believe in the power of salt water. From a child, I was raised to respect and honor the gift from mother nature known as the ocean. The salty water called the ocean takes up more than 70% of our planet. From a young age I knew that the ocean holds so much power that one wave can change your day, for the better or the worse. The ocean has spiritual abilities that I have noticed first hand. A day in the ocean is a good one. The ocean is humbling, and in some cases unexpected. I was raised on the ocean, the coast of New Hampshire. The small 18 miles of coast was where I spent my time. My parents honor the beach.

My dad, who is a hardcore surfer rain or shine, winter or summer, taught me the power and the grace of the ocean. From a child my dad was in the water, dancing across waves like he was in his own world, he was. When he was surfing nothing else mattered, just him, and the power of the waves. This had an impact on me. While I am not a hardcore surfer like my dad, the ocean always appealed to me. When I would watch my dad surf, I got this feeling of excitement and serenity.

The overall sound and scene of the ocean took over me, and there I was, mesmerized by the waves. Not only the waves, but the way the sun reflected off the New England water, and the water making its way up the beach, like it was its goal. My dad and uncles lived for the surf. The annual trip to the Central American country of Costa Rica wasn’t just for fun, it was for surfing.

So my dad and uncles could submerge themselves in the cool tropical water, and lose themselves in the turquoise waves.

I always admired the way my dads face lit up when he would take me down to the beach, surfboards piled in the back of his truck, just to watch the waves and make sure the wind was just right for him to spend hours in the water. I always admired the way he would laugh in excitement or yell a bit when he caught the perfect wave he had been waiting for. I started to believe salt water ran through his bloodstream. Watching the style and grace of my dad in the water made me happy, and it made him happy too.

I praise the ocean because it is so diverse. It is so diverse in a way that within thirty minutes it can go from a tranquil body of water to a life threatening danger zone. I remember a hot day at the beach house. One step on the sand sends waves of heat up your sweaty body. My dad was trying to get me to surf with him, I was young and part of me was cautious and part of me wanted to immerse myself into the New England water.

So, with a bit of my dads persuasion, I put my wetsuit onto my sticky body and waxed my surfboard like my dad always instructed me to. As we ran to the water, eager for the taste of salt, my naive mind got nervous. I realized what I was stepping into, and that was the first time the power of the ocean occurred to me. I realized I was stepping into something much bigger than myself, and in a way that startled me. As I began paddling with the strength of my 11 year old arms, the waves sprayed my face in a way that was so refreshing. My fingers raked through the blue water and everything about me felt alive. When one wave came, I decided that I was going to catch it. With arms pumping and adrenaline rushing I propelled myself onto that wave. As expected the nose of my surfboard went down and I experienced my first nose dive, an unfortunate accomplishment for every young surfer.

 As the nose went down my face became lost in the water and with salt water running down my throat, I panicked. My leash became tangled in my sun burnt legs and my head hit the sandy bottom. As the power of the wave turned my lifeless body into endless circles I began to worry. How long have I been underwater? And then my lungs became aware that there was no available oxygen underneath the water of the Atlantic Ocean.

So I collected the courage to push up on the sea floor and glide up to the surface. Although this is an experience during the lifetime of every surfer, it surprised me. I had never experienced that before. And it humbled me. I wasn’t ready for the power of the ocean. This is where I learned to never underestimate the ocean. The ocean is a gift, but it’s hard to predict sometimes, and within a second the whole thing can change. I underestimated the ocean, and I promised myself it wouldn't happen again. I told myself to never misjudge or underestimate anything, especially people. No one likes to not be understood, and everyone wants their voice to be heard.

People and places can surprise you and it's not always in a way you expect. No one likes to be underestimated, I know that from experiences, but I feel it's important to understand people and not jump to conclusions. This I believe.

This is me and my brother Johnny in 1959. We did everything together when we were kids. And when I got back from the war and the Marines, we started a band in 1971. We're literally still playing together today. In fact, we're headed back to the studio to record some new songs I wrote.

Looking at this old photo of me I couldn't help but notice my hand placement on my hip. Apparently I did that my whole life. And I especially did it when I was overseas in Southeast Asia. Check out these pics and look closely at my hands. Pretty funny huh?

I need to acknowledge the fathers in my family. Besides my late father there was my late father-in-law Jerry. Seen here with his wife the now late JoEllen with Cory and the kids. Funny how I never used the auto shoot on my camera back then. I'm never in any of the photos unless someone else took the photo.

This was our last Thanksgiving together, The Fall of 2004. He was gone by the following October in 2005. JoEllen passed away in 2021. Both of them passed away at such an early age. Jerry was 65 and JoEllen was 72.

Grandpa John however is still with us and we all love him so much. Seen here last month with Cory. John is so very special in our lives, and we are so grateful to have him. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY John/Grandpa.

I admit, I am so blessed to have this loving and caring family. Brent and Pete are fathers to our lovely and adorable granddaughters. And we love them all.
As a special Father's Day request, I'd like to get a nice family portrait this year. So lets get a great large family shot of everyone in this photo at the beach this summer.

This was one of my favorite Father's Day photos.

That's my dad and me on the left in 1952. And that's me and my son Max in 1992 on the right. The pic of me and my dad was taken by my late Uncle Ralph and the pic of me and Max was taken by Cory. Pretty classic huh?






Dave, Veda, and Heather at Veda's recent WHS 2023 High School graduation.

Now there's 5 days in August you need to put down on your calendars.

The HIT THE BEACH DAY is on Friday August 25th, 2023.

A day where we take the REAL heroes for a Surf day at the beach! “SURFING HEALS ALL WOUNDS.” 

How many of you tuned into the latest DJT indictment? Once again, 45 opens mouth and inserts foot. I mean Good Lord people he brought this on himself. All he had to do was return all the documents they had been asking for the last year. But nope. Not 45. He's too full of himself to adhere to those laws. I think this might be the one that finally breaks him. I don't want to see him go to jail, I just want him to go away. I don't want him to be able to run for office again. He's just too Toxic. And 46 is simply too old. It's really time that we had someone new and fresh take the big seat in the White House. The time is ripe for some young and energetic POTUS.

Wait, isn't this section about KSM? Oh bad. Yeah with GITMO being so close to Florida, Ole Khaliddy was able to slip a few bucks to the guards and get a front row seat to the MAGA circus down there. When his cell mates asked him what he thought of the whole scene The Sheik just shrugged his shoulders and said "If you've seen one 45 indictment, you've seen them all." That's not true Sheiky. We still have the Georgia case, and the Mack daddy of all, January 6th! Oh hell yes.

And so my friends, please take advantage of this weekly photo shop of the mastermind who planned 9-11 and resulted in the deaths of 3,000 innocent civilians by KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed). *Note to self -must pick up a case of used MAGA hats at Home Depot this week.

SURFING WITH SMILES Tuesday June 20th, 2023 at 12th Street North Beach from 5:00PM to 7:00PM
HAPPY FATHERS DAY June 18th, 2023!
HAPPY FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023!
REST IN PEACE Justine Covault
KEEP FIGHTING Robert Gerard! You Got This Brother!
Please keep LOCAL LEGEND Surfer Norm Murphy in your thoughts and prayers.

Finally, I'm calling this a special request.
LOCAL SURFER/MUSICIAN PETE KOWALSKI NEEDS A KIDNEY. A TYPE A KIDNEY. PLEASE if you know anyone with a Type A Kidney please contact me at

Please Support ALL The photographers who contribute to
Ralph's Pic Of The Week every
week for the last 19 years.
** BUY
a HIGH RES Photo from any of the weeks on RPOTW.

Remember my friends... Surfing Heals All Wounds
Pray for Surf. Pray for Peace. Surf
ing Is Supposed to be Fun.





Everybody loves seeing the old pics of surfing. Especially here in Northern New England. If you have any old pics please send them off to me via email or social media. My email is


I still have this 35mm NIKKORMAT camera. It takes great photos. *Note my ring. I still have that ring too. What I don't have is that head of hair and my youth. But everything else in this pic I still have.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see a larger image



I kept a daily Blog on my CATCH A WAVE FOR MOLLY surf campaign, when I surfed every single day for 365 consecutive days. Click on the Banner above to read entries of my daily journey. There's some really interesting and true experiences
that happened during that year. Some of which are to this day, unexplainable. Some are just mind blowing. But all true.

I started on July 26th, 2010 and ended on July 26th, 2011.

Some rainy Sunday, pour yourself a cup and go through the journal. Pay close attention to the month of May in 2011. Read that month and let me know what you think of that. Be forewarned it will change you forever.


All photos taken this week unless otherwise noted.


Photos courtesy of RON FREEMAN

(Above) That's one lined up left for Ron Freeman.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to see the Menu and other
important info on their Somerville restaurant
and all the
other AMERICAN FLATBREAD locations.


(Above) Ron Freeman is a legend back here in Northern New England.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The Haffenreffer family have been helping seacoast families
with their holistic health and optimal wellness for decades.


(Above) That's Ronnie surfing somewhere on the Hawaiian North Shore.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Ron Freeman somewhere in Maine.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Best EAST COAST Coverage on the Internet.

Click on the ad above to find out more about
more about local surf artist Stan Chew's art

Clark Little's new book
Click on the ad for more info.

(Above) The first ever article in SURFER Mag about New England written by the late Greg Smith and photographed by Ron Freeman.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) There's no denying that Ronnie has a beautiful backhand style.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


The SURFER'S JOURNAL is in a league all of their own.

To learn more about Evan and his journey click here

(Above) The waves in California suit his style to the T. Ron Freeman.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on the ad above to find out more about owner
and creator Ryan Jackson and NH2o's cool selection
of surf related products.

(Above) The frontside style was developed at that popular lefthand point.
Ron Freeman. Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) That's another stylish carve by Ron Freeman.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

If you love the Beatles and you love the guitar
click on this ad above for an amazing instrumental
band playing all of your favorite Beatles songs with
the coolest arrangements. Johnny A is one of the
best guitar players on the planet.

Peter Stokes is one of the BEST guitar techs in
all of North America. He's the BEST guitar tech
in New England.

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page

(Above) Grab a rail and go with the flow. Ron Freeman.
Photo courtesy of Ron Freeman

*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Photos by RALPH

The true end of an era. They are all gone from this earth.
JoEllen, Jerry, Eva, and Gus. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Produced by David Robinson of the CARS.
Visit our Facebook page

Produced by Steve Sadler.
Visit our Facebook page

The VINNY Band was around from 1976 to 1984

July 30th, 1979 headlining the Paradise Club
In Boston, MA

(Above) My dad was doing SELFIE'S since the early 1940's.
Photo by GAF
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Joe Carter, Brian Nevins, and Nick Lavecchia

(Above) That's me with Max, Gabby, and Noelle in 2004 at the exact spot where the 20th Maine made that valiant charge at Gettysburg on July 2nd, 1863. Sunday in November 2004 Photo by Cory Fatello
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Me and my dad. Two very different wars. But the same conviction.
1970 and 1943 Photos courtesy of RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

The art of Donna Baldassari

Hannah Vokey is one of my favorite surf artists.

(Above) That's a captured Japanese flag that my dad is holding in the Philippines in 1944. Photo courtesy of GAF
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) The Fatello family some day in the late 1990's Photo c/oRALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Visit Jimmy Dunn's website to find out where and
when he will be performing.



(Above) My dad in the 1930's looking like a young Robert DeNiro
Photo c/o GAF
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

I love Erica's whimsical Gull art. So cool and unique.

Due to the massive fire back in August the
Hampton store is closed. We will let you all
know when SECRET SPOT is back in
operation on the seacoast.
Thank you.
Jon Gozzo and family.

(Above) Before selfies. The Fatello Family early 60's.
Photo c/o GAF *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) I chose this pic because of how grungy my dad was loooking. WWII South Pacific 1943. Photo c/o GAF\
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) My dad looks like a movie star here. 1943.
Photo c/o GAF
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) This pic reminds me of one of those early Hollywood movie stars.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

THE 2023 RPOTW CALENDARS ARE STILL AVAILABLE!Featuring pics from every month from last year's Blog.
Email me directly at or pick one up
at CINNAMON RAINBOWS in North Hampton, NH


Photos by RALPH

(Above) Almost 30 years ago when i joined the American Legion I participated in our first Flag Burning ceremony. Prior to that I had no
idea we did that sort of thing. FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Bruce Aquizap. FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Click on this image to visit Driftwood Photography

Since 1985.

Everybody has a story to tell

(Above) Members of Post 35 performing the somber Flag Day ceremony. FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Jimmy Cushman Flag Day ceremony. FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Young Scout tossing old flags. FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Scouts from Troop 177 . FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH *Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Flag Day ceremony. FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Cub Scout from Troop 177. FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) Joe Kutt and Paul Fitzgerald Flag Day ceremony.
FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery


(Above) We burned over 2,000 flags. Flag Day ceremony.
FLAG DAY June 14th, 2023. Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

Send your SURF Pics to me directly to:
Need photos by 10 AM on Saturdays. Seriously.
By 10AM. Make sure they are 1300 to 1555 pixels wide.
If you have more than 10 pics please use it's free up to 2 gig. Please DO NOT send me over 10 pics without first contacting and communicating with me.
Thank you.

Click on Archives link to see all the past Blogs and pics.

My friend Rick McAvoy from Maine is the creator
behind this unique Surf Company


(Above) Max Fatello somewhere in Nica. .
Photo c/o Max Fatello
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

(Above) Kody Grondin deep in Nica
Photo c/o Kody Grondin
*Click on the photo above to see the whole gallery

He's more than just a good photographer


(Above) All Rise: The 10th Street District Court Of Surf is Now in Session. The Honorable Judge RALPH presiding. Case # 728 BLATANT DROP IN OF THE WEEK. Click the image above to see the outcome of this Surf Crime and the verdict that was rendered.
Photo by RALPH
*Click on the photo above to see the outcome


This is what happens if you are found GUILTY. You become invisible.

Click on this image above to buy this book
and more cool KING'S X merchandise and music


I see little waves Today

I'm picking Today June 18th, 2023 as the best of the week!


June 18th, 2023
"As long as I shall live, I'll never understand what makes a person want to surf something like this. "

Photo by Uncle Google.

Click here to return to TOP of the page


Click here to read Shaun Tomson's first book.